
Saúde Simples, para Todos

Telephone Consultation

We advise you to stay in a location with good network coverage if you have provided us with a cell phone number.

If, for any reason, it is not possible to carry out the telephone consultation, the amount will be refunded in full through a refund on your card. 

If you are feeling unwell, please call 112 for urgent emergencies. Alternatively, you can contact SNS 24 for any non-urgent matters too.

This service is for people over 18 years old.


Every day, including weekends and holidays, from 9am to 8pm.

Our Doctor will discuss your concerns and symptoms. A plan will be provided for you, which may include a prescription, a request for further evaluation/investigation, referrals to other specialties or a doctor's note.

Escolha uma hora e data que lhe seja conveniente. Irá receber uma confirmação por e-mail.

One of our doctors will call you within the hour following your appointment (example: if you booked at 10am, you will receive the call between 10am and 11am).

Please note that our doctors may need to call from private numbers.

We can treat some of the most common illnesses that may not require physical presence. Here are some examples:

  • Cough and colds
  • Sore throat
  • Stomach problems
  • Urinary infections in women (not pregnant)
  • Skin and eye problems
  • Mild to moderate anxiety/depression
  • Joint or back pains.
  • Stable medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

As we are unable to perform a physical examination, we cannot safely manage certain conditions, such as:

  • Ear problems
  • Testicular lumps/masses or sudden onset of severe testicular pain.
  • Breast lumps/tumefactions.
  • Urinary infections in children (<16 years), men and pregnant women.
  • Children under 1 year of age with a temperature above 38 degrees.
  • Pode haver outras situações em que não seja seguro para nós gerir a sua condição através de uma consulta telefónica. Se esse for o caso, os nossos médicos explicarão o motivo e discutirão as suas opções consigo.


Management of mental health problems:

Se os seus sintomas atuais não forem adequados para serem geridos remotamente de forma apropriada e segura, o nosso médico poderá aconselhar a que consulte o seu Médico de Família ou Psiquiatra para acompanhamento. Temos um grande número de Médicos no nosso serviço, por isso pode ver um médico diferente cada vez que aceder, o que significa que a continuidade de cuidados poderá ser difícil de garantir. Não somos capazes de gerir/avaliar problemas de saúde mental em pacientes com menos de 18 anos.

Yes, we can provide referrals to Emergency Services and/or hospital specialists. We can also provide referrals for exams, such as analysis, X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, Densitometry, CT scan or others. These requests are, of course, subject to clinical suitability.

Yes. We can provide medical certificates for the most varied functions, including family assistance medical certificates. No entanto, não podemos fornecer atestados médicos retrospetivos – estes só podem ser emitidos se um paciente tiver sido examinado após 48 horas do início dos sintomas ou se a documentação médica apropriada for fornecida. Os pedidos de atestados médicos são tratados caso a caso.

É possível que os nossos médicos não possam ajudar com todos os pedidos de atestados médicos, uma vez que pode ser necessária uma consulta presencial.

Sim, podemos emitir receitas médicas para a maioria dos medicamentos de rotina.

No entanto, em virtude de sermos um serviço exclusivamente online e, de acordo com a nossa política de prescrição, os nossos médicos podem não prescrever algumas classes terapêuticas.

If you have any questions, please use our chat for further clarification.

Our Doctors can treat you or a child in your care.

If you are making an appointment for a child, both you and the child must be physically present and visible throughout the appointment. You cannot make an appointment with Médico na Net for another adult. Our service considers an adult to be anyone aged 18 or over.

We can manage some common conditions in pregnant women that are not related to pregnancy. You may be asked to consult your doctor if a physical examination is considered clinically appropriate. If you are worried about your baby's movement being reduced or if your baby is bleeding, contact your doctor immediately, 112 or SNS24. The same applies if you think you have a urinary infection. A urinalysis is essential.

If you or your child is in a medical emergency, you should contact Emergency Services on 112 immediately. For example, in situations of:

  • Severe chest pain.
  • Severe breathing difficulties.
  • Severe abdominal pain.
  • Sudden onset of severe or disabling headache.
  • Sudden weakness in any part of the body.
  • Sudden loss of vision.
  • Profuse bleeding.
  • Sudden onset of confusion, or drowsiness.

If you are concerned about your child's health and they are visibly sick or have a purple or red rash, press the side of a cup firmly against their skin. If you can see the rash through the cup, your child may have sepsis (bloodstream infection), which is an emergency. Seek medical assistance immediately at the nearest Emergency Department and/or call 112.

We recommend that you contact your regular doctor, a family member or a trusted friend. Alternatively, you can contact 112 or SNS 24.