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Oferecemos-lhe um serviço de Consulta apoiado num questionário, para de forma rápida e segura lhe oferecermos um plano para lidar com o seu eczema.
The treatments that are approved, and in some cases suggested, by our doctors are in line with best practice for Portuguese medicine. Please note, this service is for non-urgent cases.
If you are feeling unwell, please call 112 for urgent emergencies. Alternatively, you can contact SNS 24 for any non-urgent matters too.
If you have questions about your health problem or treatment, we advise you to schedule a Telephone Consultation or Video Appointment.
Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a skin condition that causes inflammation and irritation. It can manifest as dry skin, itching, redness and even sores.
There are several types of eczema, including atopic eczema, contact eczema, nummular eczema, seborrheic eczema, among others. numular, eczema seborreico, entre outros.
Symptoms of eczema include dry skin, itching, rashes, redness, swelling and, in more severe cases, skin sores.
No, eczema is not contagious. It cannot be transmitted from person to person.
As causas do eczema não são completamente compreendidas, mas a genética, a exposição a alérgenos e irritantes, bem como a função anormal da barreira cutânea desempenham papéis importantes.
Eczema treatment involves applying topical creams or ointments, avoiding allergens and irritants, and, in some cases, using prescription medications.
Eczema generally has no cure, but symptoms can be managed with appropriate treatment.
Yes, eczema is common in children and often improves as they get older.
In some cases, eczema can worsen over time, especially if it is not properly treated.
Although you can't prevent eczema, you can reduce symptoms by avoiding known triggers and keeping your skin hydrated.